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My Leadership Memoir
(3rd March, 2023).


My name is Evalin Karijo. Call me Eve.

Global health specialist. Passionate about youth leadership in Africa. #Top35Under35 Kenya (2020). Team leader extraordinaire. Mountaineer. I enjoy living on the edge.

I thrive in firsts. I am more energized when I have to build and lead teams through uncharted paths. I previously served as the Director – Youth & Adolescent Hub (Global) at Amref Health Africa.

My personality is INFJ. Introverted, highly intuitive and I get my energy in the calmness of nature. Soft spoken on the outside and a buffalo on the inside😊; go-getter, strong-willed, decisive, realist. My personality is geared towards service for others. Famous INFJs include Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela…you get the drift.

This personal website is to celebrate the first decade of my career! Six of those years have been in leadership. A lot to share and a lot more to learn! And many people to thank – one does not succeed on their own.

Fun fact: I have an identical twin (you will definitely confuse either of us for the other).

My Leadership Memoir
(3rd March, 2023).
