
Top-woman segment: Management Africa Magazine

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“Defy the stereotypes; leave no room for excuses!” This article featured my journey to the top, rising up the ranks to becoming the youngest projects’ lead in a senior role at Amref Health Africa and my contribution in the health sector.

Meet our mountain bird: our Director’s leadership journey, love for rugged nature and winning the Top35Under35 Award.

Ms Karijo is a thrill seeker who enjoys living on the edge. No stranger to beating the odds, having recently joined the elite few who can claim to have reached the summit of the daunting Mt. Kilimanjaro. Thus, it is no surprise that she bagged the highly coveted Top 35 Under 35, Youth of the Year Award (2020) in the Health Services and Projects Category unveiled during the Presidential celebrations of the International Youth Day in 2020. Read more

Q&A with Evalin Karijo: Putting young African women at the centre of health leadership

My leadership journey is a statement that leadership is not about age, but about capability. By the time my age was pointed out on my career, I had traversed different roles and departments with experts from diverse backgrounds. This challenged me in a positive way, knowing that my success – or lack of – would greatly impact how young people are viewed in leadership.I want to change the narrative and ensure that youth in Africa are acknowledged for their ingenuity and capabilities, not just their age. I want the youth to believe in themselves, to know that with the right attitude, persistence and integrity, they can achieve anything they set out to do. Read more…