The Courage to LEAD Young: A Memoir

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"I had to overcome biases - many of which young leaders continue to face. Years later, as I exit the 'youth age bracket', I am honored to have led organizational transformation for talented young people to get into decision making roles. I have seen leadership doors opening for many young people to walk through – many proud moments."

"In hindsight, my first management experience was one I wanted to forget. I hoped the teams I worked with got to see a better version of me later. I was too focused on just the results and maintaining the high-performance standards of the team; our meetings were focused on what needed to be done. At 26, I hadn't learned how to take positive criticism then. Looking back, as I have come to learn, leadership is not simply about people achieving targets. If you, as a general, are winning a war but killing the morale of your personnel, very soon you will have followers who are too depressed to get out bed."

"Seek new challenges; you don’t always need to be the brightest bulb in the room”…coming soon."

"Nothing gives me the thrill than taking a path nobody else has taken. Firsts. And leading people through that path. Many times I've run my own race, curved out my own path. When you truly want something, the universe aligns to make it happen!"

"You can attract opportunity. But you must first show up and get your hands 'dirty' at something you find meaningful. If you are emotionally invested purely on the money, recognition, working life for you will be a tedious, uninspiring experience."

“The very people who presume to make choices for you, might be the same ones who look at your success with envy. As a young leader, do not let distracters in our society dim your light for your highest achievements. But it is not just society judging us; many times, we young leaders are cutting ourselves down, too."